by ArtLife

Realm Origins

Realm Origins

18 February 2024TEZOSIPFS

Welcome to the world of "Realm Origins" NFT card collection, imagine a realm where ancient beings and mythical warriors unite in a grand hierarchy, each card representing a unique character or artifact from this otherworldly universe.

As you mint these collection cards, you embark on a journey to build your own personal army collection, with each card showcasing a unique identity. Your collection is a treasure trove of wonders waiting to be explored.


It is not just a SINGLE CARD, but rather a COLLECTION OF CARDS. You can check the collection size on the back view of the card. The collection can have a min of 9 cards and a max of 40841 cards in total. You can render or download each card from your collection.

Each card has its own identity; you can consider it a personal card as well. A person has a name, title, rank, scores, gender, description, power, and a superior. I have also added a QR code.

There is a rank system in place. The rank ranges from A to E, where A represents a high-rank card and E represents a low-rank card. The collection has a hierarchy system, which means all E cards would be under D cards, D cards under C cards, C cards under B cards, and so on.

Ex: if there are 2 B cards and 10 C cards, the first B card could have 3 C cards under it, while the other B card could have 7 C cards under it.

There is also a level system in place. There are two types of levels: count level and power level. The count level ranges from 1 to 5, where 1 represents a low number of cards and 5 represents a high number of cards. Similarly, the power level ranges from 1 to 12, where 1 represents a low-power card collection and 12 represents a high-power card collection.

Ex: if the card's count level is 5, then the card collection size would be high. Similarly, if the card's power level is 12, the card in the collection would have more power. You can check the count level and power level in the console log.

To determine card ranks and hierarchy, you can check the console for information on Card Rank, Under Cards, and Superior Name/Title. For instance, if a card has a Rank of D and 12 Under Cards, it indicates that there are 12 cards ranked below it. By analyzing this data, you can deduce the position of the current card in relation to others. Furthermore, observing the Superior Name can help in accurately identifying which specific card the current one is positioned under.

To select a particular card, you have to add the &select=1,0,0,0,0 parameter in the URL. Now, what does the value "1,0,0,0,0,0" mean? In simple terms, it represents the location of the first card. You can understand it like this: "1,0,0,0,0" corresponds to "A,B,C,D,E". In this example, we are selecting the root card where all rank values are 0, and only the A rank card has a value of 1. Since there can only be one root card, we must use the number 1 for the A position.

Default A Rank Card Location: &select=1,0,0,0,0

Ex 1: &select=1,3,2,6,12, Here we will select E Rank Card

A (1)
└── B (3)
....└── C (2)
........└── D (6)
............└── E (12)

In this hierarchy tree:

A Rank (Card 1) is at the top as the superior rank.
B Rank (Card 3) is directly under A.
C Rank (Card 2) is under B Rank (Card 3).
D Rank (Card 6) is under C Rank (Card 2).
E Rank (Card 12) is under D Rank (Card 6), representing the lowest rank.

At this point we are selecting lowest rank card.

Ex 2: &select=1,3,1,4,0, Here we will select D Rank Card

A (1)
└── B (3)
....└── C (1)
........└── D (4)
............└── E (0) - There is not 0 card

In this hierarchy tree:

A Rank (Card 1) is at the top as the superior rank.
B Rank (Card 3) is directly under A.
C Rank (Card 1) is under B Rank (Card 3).
D Rank (Card 4) is under C Rank (Card 1).

Note: For download guide and more info, please consider console log in the browser.

Important Note: The higher the total power of the collection, the more powerful it will be. The total power of the collection and individual card power will always be less than 1.

Created by ArtLife
Created using P5JS and QRIOUS (QR Code)
Feb 2024

Creative coder and I love creating Generative Art.




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