by Maxicapolo

Random Nebula

Random Nebula

25 February 2023TEZOSIPFS

If I were the creator of the world, I would probably make it a combination of order and chaos. While some level of order is necessary for the functioning of a complex system like our world, too much order can lead to monotony and stagnation. On the other hand, a little bit of chaos can bring creativity, innovation, and excitement into our lives. As for the planets and galaxies, they seem to follow a certain pattern or order in their movements, but there are also random and unpredictable events like collisions and explosions that occur. So, I would try to strike a balance between order and chaos, creating a world that is both stable and dynamic, predictable and surprising.

@2023 All right reserved

Computer Engineer - CG Artist - NFT Collector




32 / 32

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0.1 TEZ

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