by fauxjebus



25 July 2022TEZOSIPFS

This project is inspired by the works on Filipe Pantone and Andy Gilmore. It’s about time, and more specifically now: this eternal moment between past and future. Time can feel like it’s moving fast or slow depending on your perspective, but it’s always now. If your mind is thinking about the past or worried about the future, you miss out on being present in the moment where life is unfolding. All of our lives are playing out simultaneously, sometimes overlapping, sometimes busy or chaotic or confusing, sometimes quiet and organized and simple, always moving forward.

Presence is intended to be viewed passively over a long time scale — as a screensaver, or on a digital art display screen if you’re living in the future — and/or interacted with and explored. Best viewed in full screen.

Interactive Features:

f - Full screen
Space - Pause
Up - Faster dimension
Down - Slower dimension
c - Clock mode (1 fps)
s - Save a .png image

Created with p5.js and published on July 25, 2022
Follow me on twitter or instagram @fauxjebus

Generative Art Director & collector. Advertising background, learning to code. Easygoing Canadian dude from the early 80’s.




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