by Sefa Topcu

Porn You Can Hang On Your Wall

Porn You Can Hang On Your Wall

13 April 2023TEZOSIPFS

This series, as the name implies, is created by manipulating the pixels of pornographic images to produce abstract compositions. This is more of a conceptual art series and I'm interested in how easy it is for an artist to lie about their work with labels, captions, and explanations in this series. I claim that it contains pornography, but it could only be pretty little bunny pictures or it could be real pornography, or both. None of it matters, ultimately, because I aim to create confusion when you look at the work.

If none of this is for you, you'll still hang the art on your wall that brings porn to mind when you look at it. After all, you, you, you, me, you, you, maybe not you, but probably you, they, we, all of us love it, and our walls deserve to have this lovely part of our lives without judgement.

Post Pixel Artist/Generative Artist




126 / 128

fixed price

0.2 TEZ

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