by Lès Gümes

🏁🌈 Pixel Flags

🏁🌈 Pixel Flags

7 February 2023TEZOSIPFS

A #genuary32nd project.

Colourful flags waving in a noisy breeze.

This is an expansion of my #genuary2023 Day 17 "A grid inside a grid inside a grid". The idea was to create a large-scale grid made up of the colours of a grid of pixels. Add disruptions for a 3-D effect, and voila, a flag! Though, the initial color grid might be very rare to generate, after all the features I've added for this Fx(hash) party.

This month provided me with an opportunity to improve my JavaScript and p5js skills. Coming from a rather static Python background, I was pleased to discover the broad possibilities of interaction and animation with p5js. For this reason, I chose to create an interactive yet contemplative work.

/// Press "P" to open the MENU \\\

You can play around with the controls to find the waving flag that suits your mood. Maybe you can even let it float on the beats of your music by checking the "Use Micro Input" box.
You can also set the different speeds and sizes. Of course, you can also record the canvas as a Gif or Png according to your disired size or length.

Created using p5js, the quicksettings library and what is contained in the boilerplate-p5js from TengilLejonhjarta

This is an exclusive art collection of Lès Gümes regulated by the NFT license of Fx(Hash).




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3.5 TEZ

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