by Gen_Doodler

Passage Portals

Passage Portals

22 January 2022TEZOSIPFS

" I found passages, but dead, dry and lifeless, I feel like I'm close to finding the right one, the one that was made for me. "

These stone gates mark suffering, relief and passage.
They mark a life and an end point.
They punctuate the existence of what no longer exists.

They say: "Someone has been here, and found your passage."

In this one lies a great poet.
Nothing left written.
This silence, I believe,
Are his complete works.

On the same rock they meet,
As the people translate,
When one is born - a star,
When one dies - a cross.
But how many who rest here?

I Say: "Put me the cross at the beginning...
And the star at the end,
Because I will found the way home. "


.5 Forest types.
.3 Climates.
.10 Portals.
.11 Passages.

by Gen Doodler |




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