by James Filomar



18 October 2022TEZOSIPFS

A parol is a traditional Filipino Christmas lantern. They are mostly seen hung outside houses as Christmas decorations. They can range from simple bamboo-and-paper lanterns to the modern electronic lanterns. The Giant Lantern Festival in the Philippines features the most exuberant versions of the parol where a single lantern is composed of thousands of lights arranged in several concentric and symmetrical patterns. These electronic lights are programmed to form different patterns and are usually synchronized with a holiday tune.

Parol is a generative project that attempts to construct a unique giant christmas lantern. Every lantern design will embody various levels of symmetry in colors and arrangement. Additionally, every output comes with a generated cyclical animation from toggling the lights on and off.

The outputs are purely generated with p5.js. No images are used.

Available Controls:
Press 1/2/3/4/5 to change animation speed
Press q/w/e to download a 2000x2000, 4000x4000, 8000x8000 current frame image respectively
Press a/s/d to download a 2000x2000, 4000x4000, 8000x8000 full lantern image respectively
Press t to toggle stroke mode

NFT License 2.0 (

James Filomar found his passion for programming over 15 years ago. He recently discovered generative art. His art is mostly inspired by his love for movies and photography.




4 / 4

fixed price

1.25 TEZ

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