by Kenzo da barra

Ordo ex Chaos

Ordo ex Chaos

26 July 2024BASEIPFS

This algorithm creates a cellular automaton by mixing the rules based on neighboring cells, similar to the Minesweeper game.
The colors are then reshuffled according to my style, which consists of intricate noises.
I gave the algorithm a lot of freedom,iI could have restricted it to what I liked, but I love being surprised by randomness, sometimes positively, sometimes negatively.
The artwork expresses a balance between control and freedom, and an acceptance of uncertainty. It explores the interplay between order and chaos, demonstrating how structured rules can lead to unpredictable outcomes.
This unpredictability adds an element of surprise and discovery, highlighting the beauty in the unforeseen.
Press S to save as jpeg.

passionate about generative art, look for me on openprocessing and twitter ( )




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