15 January 2023•TEZOS•IPFS
Another innovative collaboration effort between Dr. Bill Kolomyjec and Christopher Scussel. Chris continues to work the mathematics on our shared vision of a river of time. In this most recent algorithm, he has built-in visual turbulence which varies the river's flow often creating loops and eddy's. He builds in variables for me to manipulate such as segment "stripes", "width" and "control points".
In this piece I take seven vertical segments of his algorithm and create "figures" distributed across my canvas. They are similar because they are generated by the same algorithm, yet they behave independently based my application of controlled randomness to the variables.
I find all kinds of shapes in these figures from smoke plumes to the human form. Each instance produces interesting interactions between figures and with the background.
I use a rational color scheme. I render a figures' stripes in such a way as to present a partial spectrum across the segment. I continue assigning colors of the larger spectrum across contiguous figures. This creates a pleasing color scheme that moves the eye.
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(c)2023 Dr. Bill Kolomyjec and Christopher Scussel. All rights reserved.
In this piece I take seven vertical segments of his algorithm and create "figures" distributed across my canvas. They are similar because they are generated by the same algorithm, yet they behave independently based my application of controlled randomness to the variables.
I find all kinds of shapes in these figures from smoke plumes to the human form. Each instance produces interesting interactions between figures and with the background.
I use a rational color scheme. I render a figures' stripes in such a way as to present a partial spectrum across the segment. I continue assigning colors of the larger spectrum across contiguous figures. This creates a pleasing color scheme that moves the eye.
Please visit
(c)2023 Dr. Bill Kolomyjec and Christopher Scussel. All rights reserved.
I've been involved in making art with the computer since the early 1970's. I’m one of the few early pioneers who’s still practicing Generative Art today.
30 / 128
fixed price
2.5 TEZ
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0.00001 ETH
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