by Victor Doval

Oniric Spaces

Oniric Spaces

8 December 2021TEZOSIPFS

As my dreams, mixing memories form my childhood, others from my architecture studies at university and my daily life.
_The investigations of the neoplasticism in the architecture as a set of floating planes that define reality.
_The nature of architectural drawings as a thinking tool, the dirtiness of a sketch mixed with the clarity of the ideas that want to show.
_The origin of computer graphics, the 80s demoscene (neon / trance / post punk / sci-fi ), the time where "digital" was a value by itself.
_The dynamic nature of dreams where spaces are moving and steady at the same time.

1-5 Speed Selection
Q-W-E-R-T-Y Camera Selection
Up/Down Fine Speed control (Faster/Slower)
S Save PNG Frame (in live mode)
G Save GIF Animation (in live mode)

15 % of monochrome
10 % of white background
16 Base Hue
10 Base Brightness
5 Brightness variations
16 Hue variations

Created with p5.js and gif.js by Victor Doval @vicdoval (2021)
Designed to be seen in Google Chrome 96.0.4664.45

Father, artist and architect. Interacting with (emotional) space through light, sound and matter.




128 / 128

fixed price


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