by 0xaegen

Off the grid

Off the grid

26 January 2022TEZOSIPFS

Vanilla JS + SVG
January 2022

Edition of 512

"Off the grid" is my attempt to bring human imperfection to the strict formality of a generative grid-based piece.

Grid-plotted geometric forms are very slightly offset, rotated out of position by a degree or two, or absented entirely from the grid. The number of passes is dictated by the hash, and the results will vary from minimal (4 passes) to maximal (13 passes). The sizes of the forms can vary or be all the same, leading to quite different outputs, further emphasized by the different 'canvas' sizes.

The features are:
Format (Portrait, Landscape or Square), Palette (10 in total), Coverage (Full or Indented), Passes (the number of times the algorithm makes a grid) and Sizes (the sizes of the shapes in the grid, Single [one size] or Multiple).

'S' saves an SVG
'P' saves a PNG

Collector/creator. Involved in art (mostly painting) on and off since the early 90s. Started with Processing in 2010 but then life happened. Happily rediscovering my roots since 2021.




17 / 17

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2.5 TEZ

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