by Nouns Code
Nouns Code: 561
1 January 2023•TEZOS•IPFS
Nouns Daily Collection.
Nouns Code Project was inspired from Nouns (CC0 Project) with the funny themes.
Each noun would be transformed to be 3D and adventures in the new fantasy world (approx. 1 minute animating).
This piece is the first launched collection which start from Noun no.561 (Wave).
Theme: Street, Beach, Island, Dessert, Space, Pub, Art-Clone, School, Office, Boxing and Nature
Period: Day & Night
Palette: Standard, Two-Tone, Blood, Std+Sand
Wire Frame: Available & N/A
Direction View: Left, Center, Right
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Built with three.js + cannon-es.js
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Space Bar -> Save a simple screenshot image of the canvas
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Nouns Code Project was inspired from Nouns (CC0 Project) with the funny themes.
Each noun would be transformed to be 3D and adventures in the new fantasy world (approx. 1 minute animating).
This piece is the first launched collection which start from Noun no.561 (Wave).
Theme: Street, Beach, Island, Dessert, Space, Pub, Art-Clone, School, Office, Boxing and Nature
Period: Day & Night
Palette: Standard, Two-Tone, Blood, Std+Sand
Wire Frame: Available & N/A
Direction View: Left, Center, Right
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Built with three.js + cannon-es.js
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Space Bar -> Save a simple screenshot image of the canvas
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Dialy Collection inspired by project.
Discord: NounsCode#8332
20 / 60
fixed price
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH