by Daniel Gyllensa...

Motherboard deluxe

Motherboard deluxe

15 July 2022TEZOSIPFS

A random little mesh checkerboard assembled in an organised mess, with certain shapes each representing different musical notes.

- CLICK a random square or rectangle shape to trigger their respective playback.
- HOLD DOWN and drag to explore further.

Having different grid sizes generated, each cell is populated by a various selection of shapes.
The squares and rectangles however are the ones to pay extra attention to. Each of them represent single or multiple notes. The more cells that the shape covers, the more notes are attached to it. A rectangle will trigger 2 attacks, a large square that covers 4 cells will trigger 4 attacks and so on. Due to randomisation, one or several shapes may intersect each other, possibly resulting in a series of symbols and an even more extensive chord hit.

Holding down your pointer vill invoke a flashlight that follows your every move. By dragging the plane while having the pointer held down, each square that you pass over will be triggered.

As a feature you’re able to collect 2 different types of instruments.
The well familiar Harmonised 3-Osc Pad from before, but this time around a semi-muted Harpolodic String Synth has additionally been brought on as a guest. Both instruments are evenly distributed amongst the editions.

Each edition also has its own set structure of ordered notes and scales, hence each one might have a different sound composition.

What’s more is random sizes, positions and colors as well as a diversity of flashlights, ambient lightings and background gradients.

There’s a 25% chance of getting a colored flashlight. It’s 33% less likely that you get a light background theme. There’s a 9% chance of getting a colored lighting theme. And approximately 1.6% of you will get the whole palette in sepia.

As before, each series of shapes get their total composition calculated down to a single percentage that indicates its uniqueness.

@computeremotions - 2022-07-15

Just your average generative and interactive art practitioner.
Stockholm, Sweden





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