by _ChrIsArt_

Morse me

Morse me

19 April 2023TEZOSIPFS

Meta level
'Morse me' can be a call. It can just as well be sarcasm and irony about today's time, where technology should actually connect people more, but it makes them partly lonely. It also describes the artist himself.
Anyway, it's pretty cool to combine an old technology like morse code with a current one to generate art. To honor the inventor of the morse code, the release date was set to his birthday.

The parameters affect the direction of how the finished output will look and is intended to give the collector customization options so that the output is not a complete surprise. Nevertheless, there are randomly generated values which make it very unlikely to generate an exactly identical image, even though at minimum and maximum values the differences are minor and hardly detectable. As a result, images can appear the same.

Words used in the word collection to generate the morse code and thus the pattern are chosen randomly.
A word consists of letters, a letter is in turn described by a morse code, which consists of single characters. It is randomly generated whether spaces are inserted between words, letters and characters (feature).
The roundness of the rectangles in mode Rec can take up to three different combinations, which are also chosen randomly (feature).
For the layers in mode Rec, there are combinations where the layers can be rotated depending on their number. The combinations are chosen randomly.

[s] save
[l] save large resolution
[u] save ultra resolution
[F12] to see the used words in the used order in the console, which were used for the morse code and generated the pattern




100 / 100

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