by _fra978



28 October 2022TEZOSIPFS


A minimalist modular composition generator based on stripes random patterns in black on white, often adding a red bar in the background.

- 2 ways to draw black stripes: whole canvas or part only (Shape Mode: 1 or 2).
- 4 possibilities to divide the strips into segments (Segments: 2 to 5).
- 90% chance of having the red bar in the background (red bar: "No" is rarer).

Keyboard Keys:
- '1' to '7' to switch the grid scale (redraws the same pattern on the given grid);
- 'H' or "h" to set in high res (10x the current viewing window size);
- 'L' or "l" to set in normal resolution (to the current window size);
- 'S' or "s" to save PNG (high or normal res depending on the current size);
- 'I' or "i" to show/hide the infos window;
- 'C' or "c" to show/hide the keys window;


The core is implemented in JavaScript/Css/Html using the p5.min.js library.
No other external libraries have been used.
All the graphics are computed in real-time by the algorithm.

Code and outputs are licensed to the general public under CC BY-NC 4.0.
In addition, token holders are granted a non-exclusive, irrevocable, non-transferrable license to reproduce the output corresponding to their token, in any medium, for any purpose, inluding for commercial gain, for as long as they hold the token.

Digital Arts and Cratfs since late '90s.




16 / 64

fixed price

2.5 TEZ

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