by CodeNFT

Minimal Monoliths

Minimal Monoliths

11 October 2022TEZOSIPFS

Minimal Monoliths is a work mainly inspired by the use of AI as a creative tool. I have a new fixation with monoliths as simple minimal structures just placed on random surfaces, so I iterated quite a few illustrations to sense the variations of shapes.

Once I had an idea of what I wanted, I translated it into code creating something minimal with very fine lines that flow and then at some random point are disrupted by an emerging element.

Then in order to add volume and create a sense of depth, I increased the number of lines per iteration.

As Monoliths are considered elements deeply connected with nature I wanted to keep the lines and backgrounds within the spectrum of the earth's colors.

9 Color Palettes
4 Backgrounds
Lines count [23,31,41,59,67,79,89,97,109]

Made with ❤️ & pj5s

By CodeNFT (Clementine Novak)
October 2022

Believe it or not, coding is also an art




100 / 100

fixed price

0.25 TEZ

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