by Dr. Bill Kolomy...



28 January 2024TEZOSIPFS

This work is inspired by a monochromatic serigraph titled 'META from Bach' by Hungarian-born French Op Art artist Victor Vasarely. Created in 1965, it features a dynamic composition of alternating black and white squares arranged in a grid. The title reflects Vasarely's fascination with the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, particularly the concept of counterpoint, where multiple melodic lines interweave to create a rich tapestry of sound. The repetitive geometric patterns and precise lines in 'META from Bach' echo the interplay of voices within a fugue, visually translating the complexity and harmony of Bach's music.

As a digital artist, I find myself deeply inspired by Vasarely's ability to evoke movement and depth through simple geometric forms. The underlying structures and patterns within his art serve as a constant source of inspiration for my own generative pieces. This reinterpretation of 'META from Bach' pays homage to Vasarely's brilliance by translating his counterpoint-inspired squares into a dynamic, algorithmic composition. By introducing elements of randomness and interactivity, I aim to capture the spirit of Vasarely's composition in a new and contemporary medium.

This is a variation of my monochromatic version (META-mono). It changes the look-and-feel completely. What do you think?

Please visit my website

I've been involved in making art with the computer since the early 1970's. I’m one of the few early pioneers who’s still practicing Generative Art today.




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