by M1H2



13 September 2024BASEIPFS

In summary, it can be said that the Manzareh is an animation project where the main elements of nature are incorporated.

Summary of Project Creation and Challenges:

In fact, we encountered several challenges while developing this project. The first challenge was that the system we were using to create the project couldn’t handle rendering and exporting such a large volume of Java code. Therefore, we needed to find a solution. The solution we came up with was to transfer the background to the setup and distribute the elements on the screen in such a way that they leave their traces on the background as they move. This way, we no longer need to complicate the rendering process with loops (for).
The second challenge we faced was that the code only provided us with a static view of the scene. So, how could different variations be created in the project? To solve this issue, we focused on creating variations based on the distribution of colors. In fact, it can be said that in each piece, a specific range of elements was colored, which might contribute to giving the project a classic art dimension.

Summary of the Project's Definition and View:
"Manzareh" is a term in Persian that means a view of a tranquil natural environment. It can refer to any place in nature that gives you a sense of peace and relaxation.
In this scene, we aimed to create a sketch-like view of the environment, moving the project away from a completely realistic portrayal.
Therefore, you can observe intersecting lines that, despite being organized, lack distinct boundaries to differentiate them from other elements and somewhat contribute to cluttering the canvas.

created by : M1H2

project has released on both Base&Tezos blockchain

"General physician - interested in Java - learning everything."

"You can contact with me on all social media platforms, but for initial contact, please DM me on Twitter."




6 / 30

fixed price

0.001 ETH (Base)


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