by 0xma



20 September 2023TEZOSIPFS

"M.A.P.", an acronym for "Mental Altered Panorama", embodies a generative art project that explores the nuances of imaginary cartography.
Implementing a loosely constrained algorithm, the work generates a unique composition of vectors, lines, and hatchings. Digital noise acts as a conductor, feeding these abstract elements, resulting in an intentionally modified "map" without a predetermined destination or definition.


Technical Mechanisms

The conceptual architecture of this creation is based on an algorithm that uses digital noise as a virtual pencil. Deliberately free of geographical and social conventions, this algorithm shapes patterns and textures that evoke - but do not mimetically reproduce - topographical maps, urban plans, and even imaginary archipelagos.


Spectator Experience

What distinguishes M.A.P. is its implicit call for interpretation and contemplation. The randomly generated visual elements serve as a fertile substrate for the viewer's imagination. This versatile canvas becomes the stage for a variety of possible narratives: some may see the labyrinthine layout of a futuristic city, while others may see a network of mountain paths leading to hidden retreats. Still others might imagine winding sea lanes through unexplored archipelagos, or borders delineating distopian territories. In short, although the canvas is neutral, it offers limitless space for mental exploration and creative extrapolation.


M.A.P. is an original work by 0xma. 2023.


Built with p5.js and p5.grain
In live view, press [1-5] to render at different resolutions and press 's' to save the output.

Olivier Mattia
Twitter: 0xm4tt1a

Archive account fxhash work:




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