by danieljulia.tez

Living Squares Study III

Living Squares Study III

22 December 2021TEZOSIPFS

1024x1024 generative animation (vanilla javascript canvas)

In this third study the squares are formed by a matrix of squares ranging from 1 to 8x8.
They may have background and paint lines when colliding.
There are a many other features.

This piece is intended to be a generative animation and a painting system at the same time.
Wait and see how the painting evolves, you can click or touch to toggle the animation.
Press "s" to download a still image on live.

8 features included

36 Color palettes
Number of squares (between 2 and 12)
Dashing pixels and linewidth
Skew (true or false)
Number of sub-squares
Square background
Background lines

Daniel Julià
December 2021

Generative artist - Creative coder - Barcelona -
Canvas - Vanilla Javascript - Interactive/Generative animations




42 / 42

fixed price

2.5 TEZ

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