by hrunz

Let Me Paint

Let Me Paint

13 January 2023TEZOSIPFS

“Let Me Paint” is a computer’s request to create a painting, abstract expressionism in this case, which machines can’t do, since they cannot have feelings.
On the other hand, this is my own request to myself. The request to do what you want, without thinking much about whether it will bring any benefit (in any sense) to me or others.
In an effort to do anything with some profit in the future, I have driven myself into these thoughts. And even now I “draw” using a computer, hiding it behind a wall of code to make it look reasonable (to me).


To change the size of the image, open it in live view and add ‘&size=[size (6400 max.)]’ to the end of the URL.
To render a version without grain add ‘&grain=false’ to the end of the URL.

[S] — save the image.

Created with p5.js and GLSL.
License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.


hrunz. — Jan. 2023.

—Geometric abstraction.—
Expression through code.

twitter: @hrunzzz




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10 TEZ

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