by pb67art

Keyed Doorway

Keyed Doorway

30 January 2023TEZOSIPFS

"Keyed Doorway" represents a threshold between our world and a world beyond our own, accessible only through mastery of a complex combination of lines and shapes.

The intricate arrangements of lines and shapes serve as a metaphor for the challenges and obstacles that must be overcome in order to reach the other side, symbolizing the idea that we are always capable of unlocking new worlds through our own personal growth and mastery of new skills.

The "Keyed Doorway" invites the viewer to imagine the possibilities beyond their current understanding and to dream about what lies beyond. It is a representation of the endless potential of the human spirit and the journey towards discovery and exploration.

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Generative artist in p5js and svg exploring the potential of using simple drawing primitives and color palettes. I post on twitter updates about my collections.




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