by purple.puppet

Influence On The Thinking Of Color Variety

Influence On The Thinking Of Color Variety

26 February 2022TEZOSIPFS

How does color affect thinking?

Let’s think of some of the same objects of different colors. For example, seven apples of rainbow colors.
We will understand these apples in different ways. Some will cause appetite, others interest, others possibly disgust.

Each person is reflexively focused on either form or colour. The exception is people who understand their choices and are able to control them. And also those objects that have the appearance of a bright reaction, like a blue apple.

In this project the form of each of the works is the same, but the color is different. The more a person feels colored, the more different feelings, associations and memories cause variations of the project.

With this project, I want to remind you that when you change color, you can change the way the viewer thinks.

Alexandr Skipa
Purple Puppet
I write fairy tales




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