by P1x3lboy

Indefinite Glitter

Indefinite Glitter

29 September 2022TEZOSIPFS

Released on the occasion of the Tribute to Herbert W. Franke.
50% of the proceeds from primary sales are donated to the Foundation Herbert W. Franke.

With the title taken from an excerpt of "Zone Null" a science fiction book by Herbert W. Franke (published 1970), this work is influenced by two of his works:
Dance of the Electrons, (1961) & Projections/Rotations, (1974)

So much of my work is either directly, or indirectly influenced by Herbert W. Franke and his advancement in the field of computer graphics and digital art.
In this example, simply using rotating or dancing pixels with standard color models we are encouraged to use our own bias to make sense and meaning from the projected patterns.

The amount of pixels is variable, as is the speed and direction of rotation with a rare possibility of Hyperspeed; a faster range of rotation.
The pixels themselves follow a pattern that loops over many hours or days depending on a speed variable.

For each piexe in the collection, two colors models are chosen from either RGB, CMY, Electric, Rainbow or Pure White.
Included in this work is the option to rotate and zoom to explore the patterns more fully using the mouse:

Left Hold : Rotate
Right Hold & Left/Right: Move sideways
Right Hold & Up/Down: Zoom in or out

Additionally you may alter the background color using the following keys:

"R" - Deep Red
"G" - Deep Green
"B" - Deep Blue
"K" - Return to Black

The project is made using P5.js and webGL

p1x3lboy - maker of generative art in p5.js and pico-8




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