by JPupper

Iluminati Generator

Iluminati Generator

7 January 2022TEZOSIPFS

We can´t tell if we are ruled by a corrupt goverment, Corrupt big ass corporations
lizard people, iluminati or the high council of atlantis.

Iluminati Generator is an artwork inspired in the Iluminati iconography.It was made with a mix of P5js and shaders.

This artwork is interactive.The Eyes are always following the mouse, and the arrows only follows the mouse when you hold click.

F e a t u r e s:
23 % of chance to get Special Arrows. (they are drawn with a little white arrow inside the arrow)
3 % of chance to get Everything as a star.All arrows turn into stars.
3 % of chance to get Everything as an EYE.All arrows turn into staring eyes
20 % of chance to get White rays(the ones that pop out behind the pyramid
2 % of chance of get DOUBLE EYED piramid. /
Amount 1 : This is the eyes that spawn in polar cartesian around the piramid
Amount 2 : The symbols(arrows stars or more eyes) that spawns in polar cartesian around the eyes.

Making generative art since i can. Im a programador grafico,creative coder. I love using code for generating visuals and digital falopa.




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