by Dr. Bill Kolomy...



24 May 2023TEZOSIPFS

Multiple influences came together in this offering. I continue playing with defining color spaces based on color theory, writing algorithms to create interesting forms of spatial organization and employing "controlled randomness" in a creative way.

Defining a color space requires a tip of the hat to Bauhaus School faculty, specifically: Johannes Itten, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, and Josef Albers who formulated modern color theory. For example, Paul Klee is credited for inventing the color wheel. Which, in my opinion, evolved into the HSL color model.

New spatial organization schemes (part of the theory of called the Language of Vision by Gyorg Kepes, another Bauhuas alum) are basically ways of organizing the picture plane. This seems to manifest itself in my passion for tiled surfaces. From the very beginning in wrote programs that generated tessellations.

Controlled randomness or putting parameters around the output of a random number generator, can be attributed to Roger Coqart. I use randomness to add variety and interest in many of my works. I love the serendipity that can be achieved when properly employed.

I've been involved in making art with the computer since the early 1970's. I’m one of the few early pioneers who’s still practicing Generative Art today.




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