by zoelandia, slx.slave

易經 I-Ching

 易經 I-Ching

17 April 2022TEZOSIPFS

◒ Each hexagram is composed by two trigrams (lower and upper). A single hexagram is read from the base to the top.

◒ Three lines make a trigram, these lines can be one of two values: yin - - or yang —.

◒ Yin line represents a 0, The Creative Matrix.

◒ Yang line represents 1, The Line that all shapes.

◒ As a practice, I Ching is based on 64 powerful hexagrams that cover all the conditions of things and beings, they demonstrate how to accomplish tasks and how to integrate the secrets of the celestial mechanism and its poetry.

◒ In this version values like “light” and “dark” were added, so 256 variations could be generated, but only 64 will be minted in connection with its original ritual.

◒ Each Hexagram holds a Binary Code into its own, manifesting the Law of Correspondence between I-Ching and Informatics.

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graphic designer from argentina /diseñadxr grafica de argentina
i make collage like im a gardener
open to collaborate with other creators /con ganas de hacer collabs con creadorxs

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** content lab ** media accelerator **





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