by wandurz
Holiday Snowfall
22 December 2022•TEZOS•IPFS
This piece was created to simulate the peaceful experience of viewing snowfall against a minimalist mountain scene. The probability of creating a new snowflake is randomly determined in each frame by the snowflakeProbability value. The mountain shapes are randomly drawn on the canvas using bezierVertex functions and the skies also lerp between day and night shades to simulate the passing of time.
This program is meant to bring a touch of winter magic to your screen and help you celebrate the holidays with wonder. Its minimalist design and peaceful atmosphere are intended to bring a smile to your face and help you embrace the beauty of the season. I hope you enjoy this free mint as a small token of appreciation for the fx(hash) community and all that fx(hash) has achieved this year. Happy holidays!
Made by wandurz using p5.js
December, 2022
This program is meant to bring a touch of winter magic to your screen and help you celebrate the holidays with wonder. Its minimalist design and peaceful atmosphere are intended to bring a smile to your face and help you embrace the beauty of the season. I hope you enjoy this free mint as a small token of appreciation for the fx(hash) community and all that fx(hash) has achieved this year. Happy holidays!
Made by wandurz using p5.js
December, 2022
Generative artist experimenting with p5.js sketches and animations
50 / 50
fixed price
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH