by Gnomic_Economic

Hierarchy of Angels

Hierarchy of Angels

20 January 2023TEZOSIPFS

In the beginning was the Word.
So this piece is pure code.

Archetypes of superiority, hierarchy, and power are encoded in this work.

Angels are supernatural, so they have only symbolic representation in this dimension.
In the Old Testament, they were described as dazzling fire creatures, interlocking wheels with thousands of eyes, or tetramorphic creatures that had the faces of a lion, an ox, an eagle, and a human. So they are not cute humans with wings, but something terrific and superior.

They have a hierarchy that I represent using sizes and distance to the center of the image.

Possible variations include combinations of 13 types of wings, 10 types of nimbuses, 9 color schemes, 4 types of eyes, 4 types of energy connections between angels, 3 types of illumination, and 2 types of background generation.

This visual does not only refer to Christian iconography.
Thangka in buddhism also include concentric ordered beings.

Religions and governments are hierarchical structures with levels of subordination. They often use similar symbols because they are simple and fundamental.

Centralized and decentralized connections between angels refer to monarchism or democracy. Importance is represented by size. In the egalitarian version, the first among equals is in the center; in other cases, the proportion of sizes reflects the degree of dominance.

I need to pause series of 57 works - i will totally change my life next days.
Glory to zancan and tezos community! His drop for me as ukranian artist and your support a life saving, you give me opportunity to keep creating.




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