by Friez-nl

Hash > Morse

Hash > Morse

20 February 2022TEZOSIPFS

Since the first real time long distance communication we have come a long way! The telegram with morse was a revolution on it's own. A technique long forgotten, but given a new life in this token.

Your unique hash is translated with minimal code to the equivalent morse code. Where m stands for an array with corresponding morse values.

l = [...fxhash].map((a) => {b = a.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) - 55;c = m[b > 9 && b < 36 ? b : a];e = fxrand();return [...c].map((d) => {e += 0.1;if (e > 1) e = 1;return d.fontcolor(p+Math.floor(e * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, '0'))}).join('')}).join(' ');

Besides being unique based on the hash, also each morse character will have a color pattern based on the base color (which is random).

Inspired by the works of aemkei




21 / 21

fixed price

0.25 TEZ

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