by JPupper

Glitchy FlowerField

Glitchy FlowerField

16 April 2022TEZOSIPFS

Have you ever desired jump and cut yourself a bleed to death by pointy and cutting flowers ? A little moment desconected from all your troubles, just you and some Glitchy flowers.

Full Glitch-Generative Flower field all doned in p5js. 100% code. 0% pngs. This piece produces very different results.

This is the spiritual continuation of my artwork Flowerfield. The other side of the coin.

The flowers are made using vertexs and mixing 4 colors. Each color is also lerp to black and white to give complexity to the color palette. The algorithm for each flower is a regular polygon made in p5 but each x,y of the vertex has a random offset. It also starts very big into small.

Making generative art since i can. Im a programador grafico,creative coder. I love using code for generating visuals and digital falopa.




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1.2 TEZ

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