by mekhno



3 December 2022TEZOSIPFS

this art collection is inspired by my wife's pregnancy.
cosmological structures, light and dark and their attraction and repulsion movements are used to represent creation of a new life inside the womb.
three parts or structures compose each piece: the matrix or more external part, that gives space and confort for the process to happen. The inner nucleus
that provides with energy and force. And the intermediate shape, particular and unique in every piece, essence of the new being, that moves pulsatile,
reaching the inner core and expanding again.

two philosophical or hermethic concepts have been used in this representation. First the use of cosmological structures and dynamics (macrocosmos) to represent
life creation at smaller size (microcosmos). This concept has been used in numerous hermetic books to explain how life perpetuates itself and to teach that we can
understand ourselves studying nature. The other traditional concept represented in this piece is "Logos as creator". The particles that build every structure are made
of letters, symbols or numbers, following the hermetic/alchemical knowledge that all things were created by Logos or the sacred words. This concept is universal in almost
every religious tradition. For example, Bereshit, first word of Torah, widely translated as "From the beginning", has been interpreted by some cabalists with an alternative
meaning such as "creation was made using the alphabet and fire" ("bara" - creation, "aleph" - first letter of the jewish alphabet, "shin" - fire and "tav" - last letter of the alphabet).

for more info, read fxtext "The creative process behind GENESIS".

Watch it full screen for better amusement.
Wait 5 seconds for motion of intermediate structure to start.

- 2 loading covers: polygon and alphabet.
- 5 palettes: light and dark, tricolor (one color for each structure), random colored structures (structures colored by a combination of limited random colors),
all random (each particle position has its random color), random colored particles (each particle colored by a combination of limited random colors).
- 3 particles types: alphabet, symbols and numbers.
- 3 types of initial zoom view: zoom in, regular zoom, zoom out.
- 1.953.125 possible and unique intermediate structures.

Keyboard controls:
- Use ARROWS to move the camera on the x and z axis. Right and Left for x axis and Up and Down for z axis.
- Press "m" to show/hide the control MENU.
- Press "p" to pause/restart the animation.
- Press "s" to save an image (.png).
- Press "g" to save a 5 second GIF.
- Press "o" to hide/show the outter structure.
- Press "i" to hide/show the nucleus.
- Press "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" or "0" to adjust the density, attenuation or emissions parameters from the particles systems. Warning, use carefully only
in a powerful device.

generative art created by mekhno using p5js and webgl.

Marc L Clapers
computer artist from Barcelona




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dutch auction


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