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Game of ZERO

Game of ZERO

26 July 2022TEZOSIPFS

Here is my first interactive ART, where you can be part of the play...YAYYYYY, crosswords so boring init.

Crosswords, what mostly people considered boring... Still here I bring you Game of ZERO... Its an attempt to put some fun in crosswords, based purely on crosswords yet there are twists and turns yet to be found...

Have faith this wont be as boring as crosswords, as we got it filled up, it will be interesting and entertaining. Who knows, maybe you get LUCKY VOWELS or if EXTRA LUCKY you might get Full Board.

Click on Image and press any key to start.
Use keyboard keys :

W - to move UPWARDS
A - to move LEFT
D - to move RIGHT
S - to move DOWNWARDS

Thanks for reading and my twitter is @ARTbyZERO

If you quit, you have ZERO chance to ever be a winner!




40 / 40

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