by freeresearcher

Game of Life

Game of Life

13 November 2022TEZOSIPFS

The Game of Life was devised by the British Matematician John Horton Conway in 1970.

It's cellular automaton with the following rules:
- if empty cell has 3 neighboors, it becomes live
- if live cell has 2 or 3 neighboors, it remains live
- if live cell has 0, 1 or more than 3 neighboors, it dies and becomes empty
- if empty cell has less or more than 3 neighboors, it remains empty

Here is Game of Life implementation. You could see evolution of random initial configuration.

Control keys:
[p] - pause evolution
[r] - run evolution again
[n] - go to the next evolution step (works when on pause)

You could see current iteration at the top left corner.

I like pixels & maths )




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