by Vroomcrds

Fractured Spectra v1.9

Fractured Spectra v1.9

5 January 2023TEZOSIPFS

My continued exploration of color, shape, form, function, fractal chaos, order, and understanding of the mathematical beauty of nature to create beautiful, unique and colorful designs made up of translucent glassy elements. In this piece I explore symmetry and contrasting elements, suggesting a nearly impossible blown glass sculpture. Each unique rendering has a character of its own, some smooth and sensuous while others with sharp color and form changes, ragged edges, and chaotic beauty. Interactive with several user controls:

With the mouse:

Left click and drag to change the viewing angle
Right click and drag to change the view center
Mouse wheel to change the distance to the view center

With the keyboard:

Keys "," and "." (i.e. "<" and ">") change the rotation speed left or right. You can stop it entirely, or speed it up to what I consider a reasonable maximum, rotating to the left or to the right. Each time you press, it adjusts the rotation speed

Keys "a" "b" and "c": the lights always start in the same place, and each key controls one of the three lights, both position and intensity. It is deterministic from the initial start based upon the token: for a given token, after the initial run (or re-run) pressing "aaabbcabcabc" will give you the same sequence of lighting changes. This lets you choose your favorite and keep track of it.

Digital Art/Content Creator

Graphics, rendering tools, and animation since 1985

Discord: Vroomcrds#4688




26 / 26

fixed price

0.42 TEZ

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