by timmb

Fractal Reef

Fractal Reef

20 January 2022TEZOSIPFS

The Mandelbrot set is a fractal derived by repeatedly applying the equation f(z) = z*z + c over the 2D space of complex numbers. From this simple equation emerges a realm of beautiful and surprisingly organic looking shapes.

Fractal Reef offers a meditation on the emergence of life-like complexity from simple processes. I've animated the Mandelbrot by injecting noise into various points into the calculation. Each generated version opens a tiny window onto the immense form. In one or two, you can still see the characteristic beetle shape of the Mandelbrot.

While the dominant dimensions of noise will create tide-like movements, no token is likely to repeat a loop point for many millions of years. The animation is driven by the real-world time. Assuming your clock is accurate, you're unlikely to ever see the exact same image twice.

Tim Murray-Browne. Artist and creative coder creating systems that connect the moving body, image, sound and light.

My work aims to uncover the intelligence of the embodied mind and the chaotic beauty of unmediated nature and emergent complexity.




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