by _liquid_loop

extrasolar sunsets

extrasolar sunsets

10 October 2022TEZOSIPFS

extrasolar sunsets is a work that is based on parallel lines, positioned and layered by the algorithm to create a vivid arrangement of colorful circle-like structures.
the intended results are highly geometric abstract artworks, which should be full of dynamics and tension. they remind me kind of the in-motion-capture of a sunset in a distant solar system.

extrasolar sunsets contains a color palette creation algorithm, creating a large variety of possible generated color sets. the individual line patterns are all layered with different random frequencies while creating the lines, making the structures appear in much greater color variety than the set of only the three main foreground colors.

if you like extrasolar sunsets, fall in love with its structures, mint a piece or two, spread the love!!!

////////////// options //////////////

pressing s saves the artwork as a .png file.

pressing h renders the artwork in high-res -- pressing s after rendering then saves it.
pressing u renders the artwork in ultra-high-res -- pressing s after rendering then saves it.

computational artist || exploring geometrical abstraction and algorithmic creation




39 / 248

fixed price


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