by NftBiker

Experimental Paths

Experimental Paths

21 June 2023TEZOSIPFS

While working on "Paths of Thought", as I tested the hatching algorithm for the plotter, I realized that drawing parallel lines without any shapes around it had its own appeal. By working on the spacing of these lines and the drawing angle, we obtain what I see as some kind of negative artwork if we compare it to the original project.

Not wanting to distort my initial work, I chose to publish this in a separate complementary experimental work. So this is a gift to all of you who chose to collect my work "Paths of Thought", to let you explore a detail of the project that I really do like.

If you have the opportunity to plot your edition, I recommend doing it with a used pen, which will achieve a vintage look and an interesting end result.

In live view, you can download a plottable SVG by pressing "s"

Coded with care, and with the help of p5.js and p5.js-svg libraries.
Consider any bug that you could get in your edition as a blessing from the RNG Gods !

Collectionneur d'émotions




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