by thermo

Enduring Efforts

Enduring Efforts

2 January 2025TEZOSIPFS

Enduring Efforts and was inspired by this quote from Georgy Voronoi's diary:

"I am so afraid that the results of my enduring efforts, obtained with such difficulty, will perish along with me."

Finding this quote was timely for me as I was going through similar concerns. Health issues. Doubting the value and legacy of my work.

I worked on my fxhash projects in the evenings as a way to relax. It was nice to be able to slow down. Be deliberate and follow my curiosity.

Here I was implementing Voronoi's work, 120 years later, and reading from his diary that he had the same worries that I have.

Hot Keys
X - Export menu

S - Show seed masks
P - Show life event seed points
N - Show noise mask
L - Toggle life border
B - Toggle blur mask
V - Toggle weathering
T - Show properties

Export Settings
Press x or double tap to show the export menu. You can either save the completed viewport image or can set a specific size and export that. Once exports are complete a link will appear with your download so you can "Save link as" or "Download link" etc.

Generative artist trying to make it on the tz.
Enduring Efforts coming soon.




54 / 1000

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