by dbob



16 October 2022TEZOSIPFS

EM.I generates artistic visualizations of Electric Fields. Your unique token hash determines parameters that generate 2 unique field displays (with and without annotation) AND bonus collaborative material!!

Field displays are constructed line-by-line as you watch -- in either manual-mode mode OR auto-mode (continuously loops through all displays).

Each token generates multiple displays:

- multicolor mapping of Electric Field lines
- Electric Field intensity color mapping
- Bonus Collaborative Material!

Each unique token hash is used to determine

- number of sources (3-6)
- relative strengths of the set of sources
- arrangement of sources
- color mapping (10 possibilities)

User Keyboard Interaction

Manual mode (default)

- i key to display or dismiss this info
- spacebar to move to the next display
- left/right arrow keys to show/hide frame rate
- up/down arrow keys to change frame rate
- + key to generate Bonus Content

Note: spacebar will move to the next display only after the current display completes rendering. It can take 30-60 seconds to complete a render when the frame rate is set to 60 fps.

Auto mode

- a key to enter auto mode (continuously loops)
- s key to exit auto mode

Important: To use other keys (manual mode) you must first exit auto mode (s key).

Your token's output is dimension agnostic and scales seamlessly to any screen size.

Copyright: CC-BY-NC-ND

A professional science geek by training, accidental coding nerd by necessity, and generative artist by choice.




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