by Collapsar Beaut...



15 January 2024TEZOSONCHAIN

The idea of Doodlescapism was born from memories of being a kid in school, doodling strange things on the last pages of a maths notebook, sitting in the back of a classroom during a long, long, boring lesson. The mind, ever-restless, sought refuge in the margins of learning - a clandestine world where geometric oddities forming strange matter clusters came to life.

Knowledge of the only basics of perspective rules and a few of the simplest geometric forms can’t stop the children’s creativity. Moreover, it encourages them to use and master it over and over again, transforming doodles into hyperbolically primitivistic worlds, where cubes and spheres become leading actors in endless stories.

Palettes are simple and saturated, such as a box of pencils and pens. Layers of lines appear one by one, adding details to the previous drawing or changing its appearance completely, like a kid who decides to change the whole plot entirely in the middle of the story. The generative art medium acts as a true allegory of children’s endless creativity, making unique iterations one after another while there is a spot of ink in your pens.

Made with love and p5js.
The code of this artwork is dimension-agnostic.

Controls in fullscreen:
[1] - save PNG at the current resolution
[2] - save PNG 8000  x  5332
[3] - save PNG 12000 x  7998

Software developer.
At the beginning of the way of a generative artist.




100 / 100

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