by KilledByAPixel

Divide By Circle Unsquared

Divide By Circle Unsquared

13 February 2022TEZOSIPFS

This special edition of Divide By Circle uses only 2 color designs which were not possible in the original. The aspect ratio has been "unsquared" to 3:2 for postcard and poster printing.

This set will be self minted and air dropped to collectors using a lottery system where iterations of Divide by Circles are the tickets. Winners will be chosen by generating a random number up to 512 and checking who owns that Divide by Circle. These are limited to one per person, so another number will be picked if there are any repeats. Once awarded the winner is free to sell or transfer the token.

A limited run of 25 postcards will be printed, signed, and numbered for each iteration in the set. The original 25 winners have a month to contact me via email or twitter with a postage address to send the card.

Due to the unpredictable nature of the postal system I can't guarantee everyone will receive their postcard but I will try my best. If there are any unclaimed cards after a month, they will be given away by other means. Thank you!

By Frank Force @KilledByAPixel
Made with JavaScript and Three.js
Click to randomize divisions and flip colors!

Live Mode Controls
1 - Save 2048x3072 png with SSAA
2 - Toggle noise
3 - Toggle animation
4 - Randomize every 10 seconds

Generative Artist • Game Dev • Programmer • Size Coding Expert • Musician • Zen Buddhist • Wizard • Friend to Cats 🖖 <- HD Comics <- Zpriteverse




25 / 25

fixed price


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