2 January 2023TEZOSIPFS

Read carefully!
Before you start, look around, to do this, click the left mouse button and move it to the sides. (this is necessary for buffering the project and proper operation of the animation).
To start, press the big red button on the motherboard. After pressing the big red button, the countdown will turn on. The countdown cannot be stopped or canceled.
Everything you need to defuse the bomb is on the system board.
Avoid yellow - he is not our friend.
The red indicators will change to green if you do everything right.

w,a,s,d - fly.
lmb - to interact with objects.
rmb - to cancel interaction.
hold lmb and move mouse - rotate view.
scroll - zoom in/out.
hold middle mouse button and move mouse- move left,right,up,down.

If you get lost, press - "h".
if it's loud for you, press - "m".
if you want to enable antialiasing for 3 seconds, press - "r".
if you want to take a screenshot, press - "z".

P.S. This project was a real challenge for me in terms of coding, the most difficult thing was to create the right algorithm for defusing. And also in terms of modeling - everything you see was manually modeled in Blender3d and animation was set up. It took me 4 months and I hope you will have fun.
P.S.S. From gamer to gamers.




3 / 100

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15 TEZ

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