by VidaV



1 February 2023TEZOSIPFS

Decoramata is an ancestor of Quartzamata (Project #24402), my recently published generative art series in which I introduce the concept of "Decorated Cells" and use it for visualization of Cellular Automata. I created Decoramata, and its decorated cells, in late August 2022, but it stayed a stealth project until now. In a turn and twist of fate, Quartzamata got published first, finally unlocking Decoramata.

A Decoramata's cells are not mere flat squares on a 2D grid, colored with 2, 4, or even 8 colors. Instead, each cell is a high-dimensional object with multiple colors and decorated with multiple shapes. Decorated cells add an extra layer of visual beauty and complexity to CA patterns, turning them into objects and structures with intricate repeating patterns of colorful shapes and symbols, reminiscent of many types of human-made artifacts, such as wallpapers, tapestries, rugs, textiles, mosaics, embroidery, beadwork, and lace.

Decoramata is a direct descendent of my first CA series, AutomataLands (a small curated collection on Just like AutomataLands, Decoramata have one or more bands of regular CAs, each with its own rules and decorations. Some Decoramata are shiny and polished, while others are grungy and rustic. The rustic ones may look slightly different on different browsers. Decoramata come in a range of scales, and in two scheme of colors.

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See included

Copyright © 2023, Vida V.
Made in p5js and WebGL.

Artist: Vida V.

PhD in Computer Engineering, exploring AI & Robotics. Graphics and digital art since 1992. Creator of TwoTojazz and WizArt apps.

My only other artist wallet: WizArtOfTez





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