by Javier Lorsan



30 June 2022TEZOSIPFS

Cumaidhean, in Gaelic “shapes”, is a project inspired by construction games. You could build almost anything with those pieces, a building, bridge, tower, airplane, etc. I was passionate about these. I could spend hours building impossible shapes.

“Cumaidhean” is an allegory of life too. The objectives and goals that you get in your life sometimes collapse and you have to get up and build new ones. You can fall and get up again and it is always worth starting over, a thousand times, as long as you are alive. Defeated are those who stop fighting and stop fighting is stop dreaming.

The blockchain determines the number and arrangement of the compositional elements. The algorithm generates amazing and unexpected shapes in each iteration and each one is unique.

The algorithm performs random abstract shapes in an endless loop and is really hypnotic to observe how the initial shapes break down to create new ones. Shapes are made up of lines, triangles, squares, arcs, and points, and each element moves, grows, shrink and rotate in sync. Here you have many artworks in one.

Generative art is essentially random and surprising. this work has the ability to surprise every time it is observed.

I have used 10 palettes of 11 and 17 different colors; the colors of each palette are inspired by landscapes and cities of my country and brief moments of my life.


Artwork by Javier Lorsan, @JavierLorsan.
Made with p5js

Computer engineer, Processing and P5js developer, creative coding, generative abstract art.




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