by _deadcode_+1



8 October 2023TEZOSIPFS

Cryptomancy - The art of Divination of the mint

The project "Cryptomancy - The art of Divination of the mint" wants to question the legitimacy (for those who believe in it or not) of astrological folklore, eradicating it from its natural context: that of behavioral modes and "psychological pillars" of people, and reinserting it into the context of digital identities. By restructuring the astral chart of astrology, Cryptotomancy is put in place as a substitutive divinatory art, applicable for the divination (and revelation) of those behavioral ways that users determine, in an innate and unconscious way, are proper to the digital identity that will represent them in the network.

This work is a mix of elements created generatively through code and elements digitally hand-drawn. The elements were created roughly 50% through code by deadcode and 50% through preparation of .png created by Cactvs. This has allowed for an aesthetic balance by combining the styles of the two artists.

The work consists of a divination card made up of six distinct but closely connected elements:
the wheel of signs (at the center),
the wheel of Celestial bodies (inside the previous one),
the Astral Beast (bottom left),
the tiles of prediction (top left),
the personality tarot (top right)
and the constellation map (bottom right).

-Signs (elements generated through code)
Located at the center of the work, the wheel of signs is made up of twelve "cryptoastral" idiograms, three for each element: Water, Air, Fire, and Earth.
Each of these elements, in its unique way, influences the future behaviors of all digital identities born under it, and identifies its abilities and emotional and relational model.

-Celestial bodies (elements drawn by hand but selected and manipulated in a generative way)
Located inside the wheel of signs is the wheel of celestial bodies characterized by the presence of three or four objects from the solar system with varying size.
The list of objects includes five planets (Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Earth, Uranus), as well as the sun and moon.
The presence and size of a celestial body affects one's digital identity differently.

-Astral beasts (elements composed by hand)
Located in the bottom left corner, the Astral Beasts, twelve in all, are the physical representations of astral signs: creatures of a higher and elevated plane of existence.
Appeared to prophets through visual glitches, they taught them the way of Cryptomancy. The physical projection of an astral sign: the astral beast has, in cryptomancy, the function of Ascendant, indicating which of the twelve entities influences the digital identity in its external ways from the moment of its genesis.

-The tiles of prediction (elements generated through code)
In the top left corner there are the prediction tiles that make up a word revealing the future of one's digital identity.
Omens, aspirations, sensations that detect glimpses of a future that may be imminent or distant. In some cases, the reading is not successful and a bug (the beetle/joker) materializes, creating ambiguity and leaving room for interpretation.

-The Personality Tarot Cards (elements drawn by hand but selected and manipulated in a generative way)
In the top right corner appear the Personality Tarot Cards, eight in total, each representing a behavioral archetype.
The Tarot cards direct the reading towards a specific type of digital identity corresponding to the archetype itself.

-The constellation map (elements generated through code)
In the bottom right corner is the constellation map. This element is the only one on the divination card completely different with each mint, representing the digital individual with all its unique personal characteristics that differentiate it from others of the same sign and behavioral archetype.
A new digital constellation is created for each mint, which is added to the celestial vault of the astral cryptouniverse.

This work uses p5.js library.




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