CPoSOP Composition
2 August 2022•TEZOS•IPFS
This is the second in series of works where we pay homage to Ken Knowlton, scientist and computer graphic pioneer and artist who passed on June 16, 2022. Ken Knowlton developed the famous EXPLOR language, (Explicit 2-D Patterns, Local Operations, and Randomness) while at Bell Labs. He published a paper describing it in 1975 entitled: MINI-EXPLOR, A FORTRAN-Coded Version of the EXPLOR Language for Mini (and larger) Computers. (https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/988049.988052)
This work is a mark of progress. Christopher Scussel and I are working on modernizing MINI-EXPLOR. Chris is working on updating the engine from the original FORTRAN code of the 1970’s and its other limitations to usable JavaScript. In concert, I am analyzing and synthesizing the capabilities of the code and identifying an aesthetic. Together we continue to update EXPLOR and add new features.
CPoSOP Composition is an original derivative work of Contour Plot of Superimposed Octagonal Pyramids that was one of Knowlton’s original test examples. (Example 3)
The original EXPLOR picture frame was limited to a fixed array of 140 x 140 “characters.” Chris has rewritten the code to make the picture space variable. In this piece I increased the image space to a resolution 250 x 250 picture cells. Each picture cell is a 3x3 pixel block.
The EXPLOR functions are designed to interact with the current contents of each cell in the picture array. Every EXPLOR function has a rules parameter. In this test I’ve added a background. Thus when I draw my modified CPoSOP widget over the background it interacts with the color contents of a background cell or, the color of the cell based on a previously drawn widget.
I’ve modified the original CPoSOP code and replaced constants with random variables. (made it a Spatial Force). I create a regular grid (Form of Spatial Organization) of a random size and draw the CPoSOP widget 85% of the time in one of the grid elements positions. The grid provides a structure to the image and the CPoSOP widget provides visual interest. The interaction of the widgets with the background and each other are amazing.
In keeping true to an EXPLOR vibe we use 4 color palettes. We let the computer randomly pick from three predefined palettes: Black and white. Four colors randomly chosen from set of 8 “Bauhaus” colors. And, four truly random colors.
We continue to honor the passing of Ken Knowlton with this NFT series. Here is an opportunity to collect an example image from the famous program he authored now updated by Scussel and Kolomyjec. A true piece of Computer Graphic Art history with a modern twist.
Dr. Bill Generative Art OG @ drbillkolomyjec.com
This work is a mark of progress. Christopher Scussel and I are working on modernizing MINI-EXPLOR. Chris is working on updating the engine from the original FORTRAN code of the 1970’s and its other limitations to usable JavaScript. In concert, I am analyzing and synthesizing the capabilities of the code and identifying an aesthetic. Together we continue to update EXPLOR and add new features.
CPoSOP Composition is an original derivative work of Contour Plot of Superimposed Octagonal Pyramids that was one of Knowlton’s original test examples. (Example 3)
The original EXPLOR picture frame was limited to a fixed array of 140 x 140 “characters.” Chris has rewritten the code to make the picture space variable. In this piece I increased the image space to a resolution 250 x 250 picture cells. Each picture cell is a 3x3 pixel block.
The EXPLOR functions are designed to interact with the current contents of each cell in the picture array. Every EXPLOR function has a rules parameter. In this test I’ve added a background. Thus when I draw my modified CPoSOP widget over the background it interacts with the color contents of a background cell or, the color of the cell based on a previously drawn widget.
I’ve modified the original CPoSOP code and replaced constants with random variables. (made it a Spatial Force). I create a regular grid (Form of Spatial Organization) of a random size and draw the CPoSOP widget 85% of the time in one of the grid elements positions. The grid provides a structure to the image and the CPoSOP widget provides visual interest. The interaction of the widgets with the background and each other are amazing.
In keeping true to an EXPLOR vibe we use 4 color palettes. We let the computer randomly pick from three predefined palettes: Black and white. Four colors randomly chosen from set of 8 “Bauhaus” colors. And, four truly random colors.
We continue to honor the passing of Ken Knowlton with this NFT series. Here is an opportunity to collect an example image from the famous program he authored now updated by Scussel and Kolomyjec. A true piece of Computer Graphic Art history with a modern twist.
Dr. Bill Generative Art OG @ drbillkolomyjec.com
I've been involved in making art with the computer since the early 1970's. I’m one of the few early pioneers who’s still practicing Generative Art today.
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