by lilyan

Color Field Starry

Color Field Starry

16 June 2022TEZOSIPFS

Look up at the stars, knowing our own small.
Pure color and simplified abstraction bring the release of the spirit and the collision of the emotions.In fact, it is to excavate the emotional activity from the heart of hearts and convey the basic feelings of human beings.
The separation of colors is like the bond of the Creator's heart,connecting sadness, anger, sorrow and joy.
If large-scale color is completely emotional, the stars represent the spark of thoughts.
We hope that the audience and the works establish a direct and intimate sensory contact, experience the rhythm of color, feel the image of almost completely abstract, non-theme of the uncertain form.

50% of secondary market royalties go to minters.

Twitter: @lilyaaanaaa
Release in 2022

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0.5 TEZ

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