by Steve's Makersp...

Collisions: Art plus Physics

Collisions: Art plus Physics

10 September 2023TEZOSIPFS

Collisions is my playful attempt to make art out of a physics engine. There are 8 "scenes" to pick from, 33 color palettes, and 10 block patterns. It was fun trying to make art using p5play. I wanted the art to not only have an interesting animation, but to have a final image that was artful. p5play made it easy to simulate physics, including collisions, though there were some technical challenges to overcome. Soon I'll work on a short series about p5play on my YouTube channel, Steve's Makerspace.

This is a 48-hour mint, and then the remaining will be burned.

After opening the mint:
"s" to save a 2000 x 2000 pixel png (Larger sizes or higher pixel density was causing animation issues.)
"t" to save a png with three panels showing the beginning, middle, and end of the animation

The project uses p5.js and p5play (, and finishes with a grain shader made by Dave Pagurek and Gorilla Sun.

Generative artist and YouTuber empowering gen artists to share their gold with the world. he/him Besides Twitter, find me at: and




85 / 85

fixed price

1.5 TEZ

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