by diandrecapriced..., lilcode

Colliding Currents

Colliding Currents

29 March 2023TEZOSIPFS

Colliding Currents is an audiovisual collaboration that explores the processing of image files. By exploring Di-Andre Caprice Davis mesmerizing image work. With the intent of exploring vibrant imaginaries and fluid water-movement animations, we create an everchanging space with powerful and dynamic energy, as two forces in a dramatic clash.

Our collaboration reinterprets and expands upon Di-Andre's images through the use of the Hydra videosynthh By applying modulating, scaling and slit-scanning processes along feedback loops. the image decompositions are recontextualization and its textures, palettes and compositions get fractured, dragged and glitched.

>- realtime on hydra videosynth, press 'f' to get a variation

made in March 2023, Buenos Aires, Argentina and Kingston, Jamaica.

Di-Andre Caprice Davis is an experimental artist from Kingston, Jamaica

computer artist - videosynthesist - livecoder
having fun exploring modular generative systems
handcrafting emergent patterns

1/2 @hypereikon
buenos aires, argentina




60 / 250

fixed price

10 TEZ

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